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/ The SysOP's Companion / The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO / com_r_z / ter71.zip

Archives (7)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
DOCS._XE LHArc Archive 18 72KB 1993-03-13
MANUAL._XE LHArc Archive 1 5KB 1993-03-13
PASCAL._XE LHArc Archive 8 30KB 1993-03-13
PHONE._XE LHArc Archive 12 24KB 1993-03-13
REGISTER._XE LHArc Archive 6 37KB 1993-03-13
SYSDEAL._XE LHArc Archive 5 12KB 1993-03-13
UTILS._XE LHArc Archive 13 95KB 1993-03-13

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONTENTS.DOC Text File 90 5KB 1993-02-25
INSTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 109 2KB 1993-03-02
NC.BAT DOS Batch File 22 708b 1993-01-04
TE.BAT DOS Batch File 48 2KB 1993-01-04

Other Files (3)
50TO60._XE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1993-01-28
TERMINAT._XE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 444KB 1993-03-13
TERMINAT.REG Unknown 1KB 1992-09-14